Prevent loss of knowledge: Effective offboarding before retirement

With great2know, the valuable knowledge of your employees is retained and opens up new opportunities for innovation and growth.

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Focus on cost burden and skills shortage Retirement risks for companies:

In the face of an ageing workforce, companies are faced with the challenge of securing the knowledge that is only in the heads of their employees. Without effective offboarding, companies risk losing crucial information and experience.

average costs per employee leaving the company

of annual salary Offboarding costs per employee

of the workforce will retire in the next 15 years

Your knowledge management software To secure knowledge before retirement

Without great2know

  • Loss of knowledge: Undocumented knowledge of employees who retire is lost.
  • Unclear responsibility: The lack of knowledge transfer makes it difficult to seamlessly take on tasks and responsibilities.
  • Lack of appreciation: Departing employees have limited opportunities to share feedback or experiences.
  • No collective knowledge: Position-related knowledge is not stored in a structured way.
  • Efficient knowledge transfer: Employees document their knowledge before leaving the company so that it can be passed on in a structured manner.
  • Structured handover: New employees can pick up where their predecessor left off.
  • Appreciative farewell: Departing employees look back on successes and experience an appreciative farewell.
  • Digital corporate memory: The digital corporate memory provides long-term structured access to knowledge.

great2know platform The most important features at a glance

Efficient retirement management

With great2know, companies can seamlessly support the transition of their departing employees into retirement – from planning to the handover of responsibility.

Targeted planning of knowledge transfer

With great2know, employees can record their undocumented knowledge in a structured way before they retire and pass it on to their successors in a targeted manner. This ensures that important information and experience remain within the company on an ongoing basis.

Personalized exit interview

Enable your departing employees to reflect on successes and provide valuable feedback in order to continuously grow as a company.

Automated processes for a smooth transition

Automate offboarding processes and actively send reminders for important steps to your departing employees. This way, you can ensure that no detail is overlooked and that the transition to retirement goes smoothly.

Digital corporate memory for your company

Record the undocumented knowledge from the offboarding process in a central knowledge database – your corporate memory – in order to secure your employees’ knowledge in the long term and make it available to future employees.

The great2know Customer Success Managers Customized support for your knowledge transfer

With the help of our Customer Success Managers, you can also ask your employees about their in-depth expert knowledge in order to specifically promote the transfer of specialist knowledge and thus strengthen the exchange of knowledge within the company.

We are happy to advise you

Book a demo Discover great2know

Enter your details and we’ll get back to you shortly to arrange a demo appointment where we can introduce you to our software & answer any questions you may have.

What you can expect:

  • Detailed product presentation tailored to your needs
  • Insights into the practical application of our platform
  • Answers to any questions you may have

Christine Lutz

CSO & Co-founder
