Position-related onboarding software: for an efficient start

With our onboarding software, we offer you a position-related knowledge transfer that helps new employees to find their role quickly and efficiently.

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Focus on efficiency and employee retentionOnboarding challenges:

Companies are faced with the task of providing new employees with a quick and effective start. New employees usually find it difficult to find their feet without a structured onboarding process, which affects productivity and retention.

of companies associate dissatisfaction with onboarding directly with increased employee turnover.

of new employees do not feel fully integrated into the corporate culture.

report a lack of clear responsibilities in the onboarding process.

Your comprehensive onboarding solution For the induction of new employees

Without great2know

  • Slow integration: The lack of comprehensive company information makes rapid integration difficult.
  • Information deficit: Important company information and processes are difficult for newcomers to access.
  • Social isolation: Not clearly defined contact persons lead to a lack of integration and confusion about the role in the team.
  • Declining productivity: The existing team works less productively when it takes on the training of new employees.
  • High training effort: New employees need a lot of time and resources to familiarize themselves with their tasks.
  • High attendance costs: It is more difficult to train new employees from the home office.
  • Comprehensive onboarding tool: Centralized access to company information speeds up integration.
  • Structured knowledge transfer: Essential knowledge is shared systematically and comprehensively, enabling rapid integration.
  • Social integration: predefined contact points and networks make new employees feel welcome in the team quickly.
  • Less basic questions: Team colleagues are burdened by fewer entry-level questions, as the new employee starts at a higher level of knowledge.
  • Fast productivity: New employees become productive more quickly and fulfill the tasks of their position more effectively.
  • Digital induction: New employees can be inducted digitally without a great deal of time and effort.

great2know plattform The most important features at a glance

Structured onboarding for new employees

Organize the onboarding of new employees in a seamless and structured way, facilitate access to relevant information and promote faster induction.

Digital capturing of knowledge and experience

Capture and organize knowledge and experience digitally to enable effective knowledge sharing and provide new employees with quick access to the information they need.

Targeted knowledge transfer and documentation

Structure the targeted transfer of previously acquired knowledge to new employees and document this process continuously to ensure that important information is not lost and successful integration is guaranteed.

Position-specific knowledge transfer

Take the induction of new employees to a new level with specific, digital access to knowledge that is tailored directly to their role. This not only speeds up induction, but also optimizes productivity right from the start.

Automated processes and reminders

Automate your onboarding processes and send reminders for important steps to ensure that no details are overlooked and the onboarding process runs smoothly.

Continuous improvement and adaptation

Continually analyze feedback and experiences of new employees to continuously improve onboarding and meet the needs of employees and the company.

The great2know Customer Success Managers Customized support for your knowledge transfer

With the help of our Customer Success Managers, you can also ask your employees about their in-depth expert knowledge in order to specifically promote the transfer of specialist knowledge and thus strengthen the exchange of knowledge within the company.

We are happy to advise you

Book a demo Discover great2know

Enter your details and we’ll get back to you shortly to arrange a demo appointment where we can introduce you to our software & answer any questions you may have.

What you can expect:

  • Detailed product presentation tailored to your needs
  • Insights into the practical application of our platform
  • Answers to any questions you may have

Christine Lutz

CSO & Co-founder


HR onboarding software: Revolutionize the entry of your talents

Our onboarding software transforms the onboarding of new employees by not only providing general information, but also enabling a targeted, position-specific transfer of knowledge. This accelerates productive induction and ensures seamless integration into the team.

Onboarding tasks: A strategic approach

In addition to providing access to specific information, our onboarding software integrates strategic elements that are tailored to the individual roles and challenges of new employees. This not only promotes faster productivity, but also strengthens cultural bonding and supports effective integration into work processes and the team structure, which significantly contributes to reducing turnover rates and strengthens team spirit from the outset.

Precise adaptation to corporate needs

Our onboarding tool adapts flexibly to the specific requirements of your company to ensure a smooth onboarding process. Customized content and interactive elements create a personalized onboarding experience that motivates and inspires new employees.

  • Customized content for various business areas
  • Interactive elements to increase employee engagement
  • Integration into existing HR systems to avoid system discontinuities
Revolutionize onboarding now

The complexity of the onboarding process

The success of an onboarding process depends on the consideration of all its dimensions. It is essential that companies understand that onboarding is not just an introduction to the work environment, but a comprehensive experience that includes collective, general and position-related onboarding.

Optimal integration of new employees can only be guaranteed if all areas are covered. Our onboarding software is designed to support each of these levels and provide a holistic onboarding experience.

General onboarding: creating a foundation of knowledge

General onboarding lays the foundation for the success of every employee. We offer a platform for this that not only conveys basic corporate knowledge, but also promotes identification with the corporate culture from the outset.

  • Corporate vision, mission and values
  • Overview of important company processes
  • Introduction to the company’s history and services

Individual onboarding: Tailor-made orientation

Individual onboarding addresses the unique needs and roles of new employees. We make it possible to tailor the onboarding process to the specific requirements and goals of the individual to ensure efficient and effective induction.

  • Adaptation to individual roles and goals
  • Information on contacts and networks
  • Focus on the first 100 days for a successful start

Position-related knowledge transfer: learning from your predecessor

A key element of our onboarding software is position-related knowledge transfer. New employees receive digital access to the position-related knowledge of their predecessor. This targeted knowledge transfer, combined with access to a digital corporate memory, significantly simplifies the induction process and enables fast and effective integration into the new role.

  • Structured transfer of position-related knowledge from the predecessor
  • Direct access to the digital corporate memory
  • Accelerated induction through targeted provision of information

This comprehensive approach ensures that new employees not only receive general company information, but also specific knowledge that is relevant to their position and daily tasks. By using our onboarding tools, the onboarding process becomes a seamless, enriching experience that gives new employees the best possible start in their new environment.

Collective onboarding: efficiency on a large scale

You also have the option of collective onboarding with our onboarding software. Scale the onboarding process for groups of new employees and significantly minimize the administrative effort. This enables consistent and efficient onboarding, even in the event of high growth or high fluctuation. HR management benefits from the involvement of HR managers to further optimize the onboarding process and strengthen strategic alignment.

  • Scalable onboarding processes
  • Minimization of administrative effort
  • Promotion of team spirit and collective integration

Preparation before the first day of work: the foundation for success

Our HR onboarding tool starts before the first day of work to set the course for a successful induction. Preboarding is the key to making new employees feel part of the team before they officially start. This step ensures a deep connection to the company and prepares them optimally for their start.

  • Early engagement: Create a welcoming culture that makes new employees feel valued and expected.
  • Clear expectations: Define clear goals and tasks so that new employees know what is expected of them from day one.
  • Team integration: Encourage relationship building by introducing team members and key projects to build a sense of belonging.

Proactive feedback for continuous improvement

The success of the onboarding process also depends on the ability to adapt to the needs and feedback of new employees. Through a proactive feedback system, we ensure that our onboarding software dynamically responds to user input to promote continuous improvement and thus a positive employee experience.

  • Dynamic adjustments: Use regular feedback to constantly refine and personalize onboarding.
  • Open communication culture: Establish an atmosphere where new employees are encouraged to openly share their opinions and suggestions.
  • Promote a learning culture: Encourage constant adaptation to continually optimize the onboarding process.

Onboarding analytics: Making success measurable

We offer you data-driven insights into the effectiveness of the onboarding process. Through detailed analysis, companies can measure the success of their onboarding and take targeted measures for further improvement.

  • Data-driven insights and analytics
  • Measurement of onboarding effectiveness
  • Identification of optimization potential

With great2know, companies not only make the onboarding process more efficient, but also invest in the long-term development and retention of their employees. Discover now how you can revolutionize your talent onboarding with our onboarding software.

Measurable success through onboarding analytics

Thanks to comprehensive onboarding analytics, we enable you to accurately measure and analyze the effectiveness of your onboarding process. These data-driven insights serve as the basis for targeted improvements and optimization of the entire onboarding experience.

  • Data-driven optimization: Use detailed analytics to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your onboarding process.
  • Evaluate effectiveness: Measure the success of your onboarding strategy using clearly defined KPIs.
  • Uncover optimization potential: Identify and implement improvements to continuously improve the onboarding process.

Discover the future of onboarding with great2know

With our comprehensive onboarding software, you not only revolutionize the onboarding of new employees, but also invest in their long-term development and retention. Step into the future of onboarding and make the onboarding of your talent more efficient and enriching.

Get started now with onboarding

The knowledge lifecycle for your company

Onboarding software enables companies and their employees to make the start in a new position as efficient and pleasant as possible, but the work should not begin with the hiring of new employees. HR processes should be revised, especially against the backdrop of demographic change, so that the knowledge lifecycle is understood as a continuous and holistic process that goes far beyond onboarding and encompasses the entire career path of an employee in the company.

The systematic recording and processing of knowledge, especially before an employee leaves the company, is essential. However, to ensure full effectiveness and sustainability, this process should not only start at the end of an employee’s career, but should take place continuously throughout the employee’s time with the company.

Digital corporate memory: long-term knowledge retention

A digital corporate memory preserves essential specialist knowledge and experience for future generations of employees. great2know makes it possible to systematically capture this knowledge and make it available for the sustainable development of the company.

  • Systematic recording and processing of knowledge
  • Accessibility for future generations of employees
  • Promotion of innovation and continuous learning

Continuous knowledge capture – the all-in-one solution

Every employee carries valuable, specialized knowledge that is accumulated over the years. Ongoing documentation of this knowledge – whether through regular updates in a digital knowledge repository or through expert interviews – ensures that this knowledge is not lost and is retained by the company in the event of redundancies, employee changes, sickness absence, parental leave or sabbaticals.

Avoidance of head monopolies

When employees are encouraged to continuously share their knowledge, so-called head monopolies are avoided. This not only promotes a broader distribution of knowledge within the company, but also helps teams to be more resilient to staff shortages.

Our onboarding software can therefore do much more than just welcome new employees. With us, you can build a digital corporate memory by securing, processing and making knowledge accessible. In this way, knowledge can be used across several generations of employees.

Efficiency benefits for the entire company

By capturing knowledge not only when employees change jobs or at the end of their career, but on an ongoing basis, not only the onboarding process benefits, but also all other team members and management. Digitized knowledge that previously only existed in the heads of employees becomes a valuable asset for the entire company.

By implementing such a knowledge lifecycle, you not only secure valuable expertise for the future, but also promote a culture of knowledge sharing and collaboration. Our onboarding software plays a key role in this by simplifying access to the company’s digital memory and making knowledge transfer seamless and efficient.