The employee lifecycle in knowledge management is essential, not optional.

In today’s fast-paced, digital working world, knowledge is the currency that can make the difference between success and failure. But how can you preserve this valuable knowledge when employees leave the company or change positions? We shed light on how structured knowledge management becomes a crucial resource in the employee journey to ensure your company’s competitiveness.

Onboarding: the key to a successful start

Onboarding is the first step in imparting the necessary knowledge to new employees. Effective onboarding goes far beyond an introduction to the corporate culture and includes position-related knowledge relevant to the respective role.

Position-based onboarding ensures new employees are quickly and efficiently trained in their tasks. This significantly reduces the training time for new employees and increases productivity. Therefore, a structured onboarding process is essential to make it easier for new employees to get started and prepare them for their tasks in the best possible way.

Advantages of structured onboarding:

  • Quick integration into the team and the corporate culture: New employees feel part of the team more quickly, which increases their motivation and satisfaction.
  • A clear understanding of specific tasks and responsibilities: Employees know precisely what is expected of them through position-based onboarding.
  • Reducing induction time and increasing productivity: Efficient processes help reduce induction time and make people productive more quickly.
  • Increase employee satisfaction and retention: Satisfied employees stay with the company longer and contribute to a positive working atmosphere.

Cross-boarding: efficient handover and a new start

When an employee changes positions in the company, two processes are essential: thorough offboarding from the old position and targeted onboarding into the new role. During offboarding, the employee should leave behind contextualized knowledge that will help their successor continue working seamlessly. This includes detailed documentation, relevant contacts, and specific information necessary for the successful continuation of tasks.

At the same time, they need position-specific onboarding to familiarize themselves with their new tasks and responsibilities quickly. Structured onboarding for the new role helps the employee acquire the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the new position. This reduces the training period and increases the employee’s satisfaction and motivation.

Steps for a successful internal change:

  • Detailed documentation of knowledge and tasks in the old position: Important information is recorded clearly and structured.
  • Transfer of relevant contacts and stakeholders to colleagues or successors: To facilitate the transition, all important contacts are transferred seamlessly.
  • Position-related onboarding for the new role: The employee is specifically prepared for their new tasks.

If you look closely at an employee’s time at a company, you can visualize the “employee journey” using an employee journey map. This clarifies that the next cut in the employee journey will likely be parental leave or a sabbatical. Of course, leaving the company is also an option, but we will look at this at the end.

Parental leave and sabbatical: for continuity and a smooth return to work

If an employee goes on parental leave or sabbatical, careful offboarding is necessary so their replacement or colleagues can continue their tasks and projects. Structured offboarding ensures that all relevant information and processes are documented and handed over so that the continuity of work is guaranteed. This minimizes the risk of errors and delays during the employee’s absence.

After returning, reboarding should be carried out to keep the employees current and provide them with the relevant information for a smooth re-entry. Effective reboarding includes updates on current projects, changes in processes, and new developments within the company. This enables the employee to return to their role and become productive quickly.

Important elements of successful reboarding:

  • Knowledge transfer about ongoing projects and processes before the break
  • Information about new developments and changes in the company
  • Support when returning to the work routine

Final offboarding: external transfers and retirement

Final offboarding is crucial when an employee leaves the company, whether for an external transfer or retirement. The employee’s implicit and explicit knowledge should be comprehensively documented and handed to the company. This ensures that valuable knowledge is preserved and can continue to be used. Structured offboarding includes detailed handover protocols, documentation, and safeguarding of essential contacts.

A well-executed offboarding process helps the company and the successor quickly familiarize themselves with their new role. It reduces the induction period and ensures that the transition runs smoothly. This is particularly important to ensure continuity and efficiency in day-to-day work.

Continuous knowledge flow: Optimal knowledge transfer along the employee journey

A seamless transition during offboarding is just the beginning. Throughout the entire employee lifecycle, companies must ensure that relevant knowledge is secured, processed, and made accessible. This includes both the tacit knowledge in employees’ minds and the explicit knowledge that is documented. A well-thought-out knowledge management strategy ensures that knowledge does not leave the company with the employees but can continue to be used in a targeted manner.

In addition, continuous knowledge transfers can also reduce head monopolies. This ensures that knowledge, employee experience, and expertise are collected not only when someone leaves the company but also during the employee journey. This continuous flow of knowledge promotes a culture of sharing and continuous development.

Employee journey mapping: the roadmap to optimal knowledge management

A well-structured employee journey mapping is an indispensable tool to ensure this continuous flow of knowledge. Identifying and analyzing the touchpoints helps companies better understand which phases and incisions are really relevant and which factors play a role at each touchpoint. This not only offers the opportunity to effectively secure and pass on knowledge but also helps to identify knowledge gaps and then rectify them.

By taking a holistic view of the employee lifecycle, companies are better prepared for all phases of the employee journey, such as parental leave, sabbaticals, internal transfers, and retirement.

Advantages of employee journey mapping

  • Planning and preparation: phases such as parental leave, sabbaticals, or retirement are less surprising. Fixed structures and personalized, position-related questionnaires help to make these transitions smooth.
  • Secure and pass on knowledge: Continuous knowledge transfers during the employee journey ensure that valuable knowledge is not lost. This is particularly important in the event of internal changes or temporary absences.
  • Identifying and eliminating knowledge gaps: By regularly reviewing and adapting knowledge management processes, knowledge gaps can be identified and closed early.

Strong retention: How a well-structured employee journey strengthens employee loyalty

A well-structured employee journey makes companies more attractive employers and leads to more motivated employees. If employees feel that their knowledge is valued and their career development is actively supported, they are more likely to remain loyal to the company. This is particularly important in times of demographic change, as retaining talent is crucial to a company’s long-term success.

  • Motivated employees: Targeted measures and a clear structure make employees feel valued and supported. This increases motivation and commitment.
  • Improved employee retention: Satisfied employees who feel comfortable in their company are less likely to move to other employers. This reduces fluctuation costs and ensures stability in the team.
  • Impact on the customer journey: Motivated and well-supported employees perform better, positively impacting customer satisfaction.

Optimize knowledge management: The benefits of a systematic employee journey

The company can ensure that knowledge is systematically recorded, processed, and passed on by continuously accompanying employees throughout their journey. This reduces dependency on individual employees and ensures that knowledge remains within the company, even if employees leave the company.

  • Continuous knowledge transfers: Accompanying, position-related knowledge transfers at the various touchpoints ensure that knowledge is continuously updated and made accessible.
  • Reduction of head monopolies: Knowledge is not only collected when an employee leaves the company, but continuously throughout the entire employee journey.
  • Improved efficiency: The structured collection and transfer of knowledge increases efficiency in day-to-day work, as less time has to be spent on training new employees and searching for information.

Comprehensive employee journey mapping is therefore not only a tool for improving knowledge management, but also a decisive factor for employee satisfaction and retention. It helps companies to better prepare for the various phases of the employee journey and ensures that valuable knowledge is retained and can be used on an ongoing basis.

Digital knowledge transfer as part of the employee lifecycle

Digital, position-related knowledge transfers are a key component of well-thought-out employee journey mapping. If these transfers are well structured and personalized, they offer an efficient way of capturing and documenting knowledge, ensuring that it can be made accessible to other employees.

Using AI technologies, knowledge gaps can be identified, and targeted measures can be taken to secure knowledge. In this way, knowledge remains within the company and can be used continuously.

Advantages of digital knowledge transfer

Efficient recording and documentation of knowledge

Digital tools enable the systematic recording of implicit and explicit knowledge. This ensures that valuable information is not lost but remains accessible for future employees.

Personalized and context-related knowledge transfer

Digital knowledge transfers allow users to write comments on documents, add other stakeholders in case of questions, and link different files.

Continuous availability and use of knowledge

Digitally recorded knowledge can be retrieved much more easily than files sitting in the corner of an office. This is particularly valuable in remote working and hybrid working models.

Reduction of knowledge loss

In many companies, valuable knowledge is lost when employees leave. Digital knowledge transfer helps minimize this risk by ensuring that knowledge is systematically recorded and processed.

Support with the induction of new employees

If new employees have access to a well-structured digital knowledge pool, they can be trained faster and more efficiently. This shortens the induction period and increases productivity.

Promoting cooperation and the exchange of knowledge

Digital platforms facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience between employees. This can improve collaboration and help to develop innovative solutions.

Improved quality and consistency of knowledge transfer

Digital tools enable a standardized and consistent transfer of knowledge. This ensures that all employees have access to the same information and are trained to the same standards.

Increased flexibility and adaptability

Using digital tools and platforms, companies can quickly adapt their knowledge management processes to changing requirements, enabling an agile response to new challenges and opportunities.

Accompany the employee journey with great2know

This is where great2know comes in: We make knowledge transfer more targeted and efficient. On our digital platform, you can create well-structured knowledge transfers and optimize the process with the help of advanced AI technologies.

We ensure that no relevant knowledge is lost through position-related knowledge transfers and tailored questionnaires. This leads to faster and more precise induction and ensures the long-term availability and use of knowledge.

Our platform offers the following advantages:

  • Digital knowledge transfers: Use our platform to carry out structured knowledge transfers and secure position-related knowledge.
  • Digital corporate memory: We should use our digital corporate memory to use knowledge in the company even beyond a knowledge transfer.
  • Create contexts: Search the stored knowledge with keywords and put answers in the right context. This allows you to find relevant information more quickly and use it more effectively.

great2know offers a comprehensive digital solution that effectively masters knowledge management challenges. Our platform makes knowledge transfer more efficient, precise, and user-friendly. This enables companies to use their knowledge resources optimally and operate more successfully in the long term.

Conclusion: Why structured knowledge management is indispensable

A well-thought-out employee lifecycle and structured knowledge management are, therefore, crucial to ensuring efficiency and continuity in companies. By ensuring that knowledge is continuously secured and made accessible, companies can increase productivity and prevent the loss of valuable knowledge. Structured and digital support for these processes is essential to meeting the challenges of the modern working world.

Structured knowledge management processes enable new employees to be trained more quickly, improve the efficiency of internal position changes, and ensure that valuable knowledge is preserved even during parental leave or sabbaticals. Digital, position-related knowledge transfers play a central role here by enabling the precise recording and transfer of knowledge.

Sophisticated employee journey mapping for a good employee experience

Well-thought-out employee journey mapping helps companies identify the different phases of the employee journey and address them in a targeted manner. This contributes to employee satisfaction and retention, increases efficiency and productivity, and makes the company a more attractive employer.

A structured and digitally supported knowledge management process is essential in times of demographic change and increasing competition for qualified specialists. It ensures that employees feel valued and that their knowledge is optimally utilized, providing the company’s long-term success. Companies that proactively implement modern digital solutions are thus equipped to master the challenges of today’s working world.

about the author
Lenita Behncke
Lenita writes articles for great2know as a content creator on topics such as knowledge transfer & knowledge management.