Onboarding problems and how you can solve them

Successful onboarding is the key to integrating new employees into your company quickly and effectively. However, onboarding problems such as unclear processes and a lack of support can severely affect productivity, cause high costs and lead to high early turnover.in this article, we highlight the most common onboarding problems and give you practical tips on how to successfully overcome these challenges and retain your new employees in the long term.

The biggest onboarding problems and their solutions

Effective onboarding can make the difference between a committed, long-term employee and a quick termination. These common mistakes occur during the onboarding process and should be considered before new employees’ first day on the job:

No systematic onboarding

Another common problem is the lack of a cross-departmental, systematic onboarding process. Different departments often carry out their onboarding according to their own ideas and capacities, which leads to inconsistent and ineffective induction processes.

Practical example: The challenges often begin with fundamental questions: Where should knowledge be stored? Which portals make sense for this? How do we manage to digitize knowledge? Without structured and digital onboarding and offboarding processes, knowledge cannot be shared effectively.

Solutions for future onboarding:

  • Uniform standards: Develop a standardized onboarding program that is applied across departments and is only adapted for specific content for individual positions.
  • Central coordination: Set up a central onboarding coordination office to ensure that all departments adhere to the same processes and standards. This promotes the consistency and effectiveness of onboarding new employees.

Lack of time and resources

The induction of new employees is often more time-consuming than many companies allow for. This often leads to an additional workload for colleagues or inadequate training for the new employee. In many cases, the new employee is thrown in at the deep end without sufficient support and guidance.

Solutions for time-efficient onboarding

  • Resource planning: Plan sufficient time and resources for the induction of new employees. Make sure that the workload of existing employees is taken into account.
  • Delegation: Spread the induction tasks over several shoulders to reduce the burden on individual employees and ensure a more comprehensive induction.

Digital solution: Use digital platforms such as great2know to quickly and effectively train new employees in their role. You can simply enter or speak in knowledge and have it optimized and summarized with the help of AI-supported systems. This makes knowledge transfer much easier.

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Unclear communication of expectations and corporate culture

Unclear expectations and an inadequate introduction to the corporate culture can lead to new employees not feeling integrated and not fully understanding their role. Around 70% of new employees do not feel fully integrated into the corporate culture, which often leads to uncertainty and frustration.

Practical example: Our clients, who hire several hundred new employees every year, often experience strong growth. With so many new hires, the focus is often primarily on administrative and general processes, while cultural onboarding is often neglected.

Solution for this error in the onboarding process:

  • Communicate clearly: Explain the expectations and corporate culture during the interview and repeat them during the onboarding process.
  • Use mentoring programs: An experienced employee can help new colleagues better understand the company culture and settle in more quickly. Social integration and communicating the corporate culture are crucial for successful onboarding. Around 80% of employees feel more committed to the company when they feel part of the team.

Lack of feedback culture by the employer

Without regular feedback, new employees do not know whether they are performing their tasks correctly, which can lead to frustration and uncertainty. A weak feedback culture often prevents problems from being identified and rectified at an early stage.

Solution for a weak feedback culture:

  • Regular check-ins: Schedule weekly or monthly meetings to provide feedback and clarify questions.
  • Encourage open communication: Encourage new employees to ask questions and give feedback and be open to their suggestions.

Missing or inadequate preboarding

Many companies neglect preboarding, the phase between signing the contract and the first day of work. This can lead to new employees not feeling welcome. According to the Haufe Onboarding Survey 2023, 36% of respondents stated that they had experienced dismissals between signing their contract and their first day at work.

Solution for the phase between employment contract and probationary period:

  • Welcome packs: Send a package with important information, access data and small gifts before the first working day.
  • Regular contact: Maintain regular contact during preboarding to give new employees the feeling that they are already part of the team. Only 25% of companies carry out structured preboarding measures.

Overload due to too much too fast

If new employees are confronted with too much information and too many tasks at the same time, this can lead to excessive demands. A hasty induction without sufficient structure quickly has a demotivating effect.

  • Gradual induction: Organize onboarding in easily digestible steps and give new employees time to settle into their role.
  • Prioritization: Concentrate on the most important information and tasks and gradually expand the scope.

Lack of a welcoming culture

A lack of a welcoming culture can make new employees feel isolated and less motivated. This significantly affects their retention and satisfaction and can increase early onboarding turnover.

Solution for better integration of employees:

  • Team events and informal meetings: Organize activities where new employees can get to know their colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere.
  • Mentoring programs: Assign each new employee a mentor to assist with onboarding and encourage socializing.

No fixed contact person

Without a fixed contact person, new employees do not know who they can turn to if they have questions or problems. This leads to uncertainty and delays in the induction process.

Solutions for connecting team members:

  • Mentor or buddy system: Every new employee should have a fixed contact person who is available to answer questions and provide support.
  • Clear communication channels: Make sure that new employees know how and where they can get help. 60% of companies report a lack of clear responsibilities in the onboarding process. By introducing relevant stakeholders, you can avoid these difficulties.
  • Knowledge management: Through clear knowledge management within the team, you can avoid knowledge loss and silo thinking and promote the exchange of knowledge.

By integrating these solutions, companies can ensure that the induction of new employees is comprehensive and consistent right from the start. This not only increases satisfaction and productivity, but also strengthens long-term loyalty to the company.

A well thought-out and systematic onboarding program that takes sufficient time and resources into account and is structured across departments contributes significantly to the success of the company and considerably reduces the reasons for early turnover.

Position-related knowledge as a valuable opportunity for onboarding

While standardized onboarding processes are increasingly widespread and typical onboarding problems can be solved through targeted measures, one important element is often neglected: the tacit knowledge of your employees. This offers a great opportunity and yet is often not used.

Implicit knowledge comprises detailed information on the specific requirements and processes of a position, which is often only available in the employee’s head. Through targeted knowledge transfers, you can capture this valuable knowledge and make it accessible to new employees. This enables them to become productive more quickly and complete tasks more efficiently, leading to greater satisfaction and faster integration into the team.

Companies with successful onboarding often keep the entire employee lifecycle in mind and do not just focus on the onboarding process alone. This promotes sustainable employee retention and increases overall productivity.

Avoidance of errors and misunderstandings

Targeted communication of position-related knowledge helps to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings. If new employees know exactly what steps they need to take in certain situations and what pitfalls to avoid, the likelihood of making the wrong decisions is reduced. This not only improves the quality of work, but also boosts new employees’ confidence in their skills and understanding of the role.

Digital solution: Use platforms such as great2know, which ask position-related questions and support various formats such as text, audio and video, as well as using AI-supported speech2text to capture relevant knowledge in a targeted manner.

These approaches not only improve the induction of new employees, but also sustainably strengthen continuity and efficiency in the workflow and eliminate further errors during onboarding.

Conclusion: Efficient onboarding to solve typical onboarding problems

Well thought-out onboarding is crucial for the long-term success of a company. Inefficient onboarding processes can not only affect productivity, but also cause high costs and increased early turnover. Common onboarding problems – such as the lack of a systematic process, a lack of time and resources, unclear expectations, a lack of preboarding, excessive demands, an inadequate welcome culture and the absence of fixed contact persons – can be effectively resolved through targeted measures.

By implementing a cross-departmental, standardized onboarding programme and using digital tools such as great2know, companies can ensure that new employees are fully supported and integrated right from the start. This not only promotes the satisfaction and productivity of new employees, but also strengthens their long-term loyalty to the company.

The transfer of position-related knowledge is particularly important here. By documenting and passing on this knowledge in a targeted manner, errors and misunderstandings can be avoided and the induction of new employees can be significantly accelerated. Systematically recording and structuring knowledge using modern technologies ensures that employees’ valuable know-how is not lost and remains accessible in a digital corporate memory.

The biggest advantages that our customers see are:

  • Accelerated familiarization phase with correct use
  • Important assistance with knowledge transfer
  • Central location where everything is collected in a meaningful way
  • Saves time through structure
  • Helps the company & the employee
  • Helps with technical processing – a lot of knowledge can be easily transferred

In summary, it can be said that efficient onboarding, which takes both explicit and tacit knowledge into account, contributes significantly to solving typical onboarding problems. Invest in your onboarding processes in order to optimally integrate your new employees and retain them in the long term.

about the author
Lenita Behncke
Lenita writes articles for great2know as a content creator on topics such as knowledge transfer & knowledge management.